The NMIMS PGDBM (Phone Genie for Data Integration Mail) project in marketing management has evolved to serve several specific needs of call center agents. The original intent of the project was to improve on the existing call center service and the industry standard, which was fax machine to email services. The latest project is focused on the application of phone messaging (phone-to-phone, phone-to-voice) technology to a marketing/sales mix. It is an effort to move the communication from the traditional point-and-shoot model to electronic means such as voice mail. The electronic system will provide greater operational control while decreasing maintenance overhead.

The NMIMS PGDBM process in marketing management refers to the creation of call detail records (CDR) in a database that can be accessed by any employee within the organization. The database is created when each call is logged and the originating and destination companies are entered. This information is used to populate fields in a CRM database for the purposes of data integration and to maintain a complete record of each employee’s contact information. By cross referencing the information provided by the CRM with the NCR or Next Contact Roster, the agent can locate a call-by-call contact for each lead.

The major benefits of this process include improved availability of important customer information and a reduction in the cost of lost opportunities. The reduced data integration costs is a positive result of the increased efficiency of the process. This is another way the NMIMS PGDBM project in marketing management helps to support an organization’s competitive strategies. The information that is entered into the database includes the date on which each call was made, the type of business that was engaged in and who the contact was with at the time the call was made. This allows for accurate and timely contact resource utilization. The accuracy and timeliness of this information provides an agent with valuable insight into how best to promote each lead and generate additional revenue.

The NMIMS PGdbm project in marketing management also has other benefits. In many instances, the company will maintain a list of contacts that they wish to call again. These lists are typically maintained separately from the customer database. The PG Database, on the other hand, maintains all contact information for a company, regardless of whether or not the business maintains a list. This is vital to the management of multiple-line telemarketing campaigns, as many lead generation and sales opportunities will be interrupted if a lead cannot be verified.

This database is particularly useful for sales and customer service representatives. In addition, it helps to provide agents with a greater ability to identify target groups for advertising, telemarketing and lead generation efforts. The key benefit, however, is that the application of this service provides a company with a tool for managing its own resources, and maintaining good client relations. The project in marketing management provides an effective way for a company to determine which contacts it should continue to send to, and which it should discontinue doing business with.

The project in marketing management can help a company achieve its goals by staying on top of the various aspects of its operations. The database contains detailed information about every contact made by each of the leads the company receives. This information is critical in helping a marketing manager generate and follow up with the appropriate messages. Without the NMIMS PGdbm project in marketing management, the company would have to rely on memory rather than data, and could lose potential revenues. The information in the database allows a manager to understand what messages to send and when, which helps the company to ensure the effectiveness of each campaign.

The NMIMS PGdbm project in marketing management is designed to improve upon the conventional methods of database management. Most companies keep separate lists of contacts, often based on the product or service sold. Using these lists helps to segment the market into manageable groups and increase sales. By having access to this type of database, a marketing manager can determine in which areas of their organization to concentrate promotional effort. They can also fine tune the way they are sending out promotional material based on the information contained in the database.

With the use of the NMIMS PGdbm project in marketing management, a company has the tools necessary to determine who is most likely to benefit from their product or service. They can use the information in the database to fine tune promotional campaigns by analyzing the type of people who might be most receptive. This is a much more efficient way of marketing than traditional research methods, because the results are more accurate. If a marketing manager wants to increase sales, he needs to know which messages to send to which demographic group. A well-constructed database can help accomplish this, as well as being a more efficient way of conducting business. The database can be a powerful means of increasing profits, and a vital component of a successful marketing strategy.