Post-graduate students are also required by Amity University to complete an Amity MBA Project report. This is a big piece of work that is often completed during the second year of an MBA (for remote learning students), while it may potentially be completed in 6 to 9 months depending on extra workload commitments. Project has two distinct components:

  • The Amity MBA Project report often entails investigating a company or industry issue and includes components of research and inquiry. However, there is also the option of embarking on a “desk-based” project that is research- or literature-based.
  • The MBA Project report is evaluated at 15,000 words or more, and must include a literature review, a description of the methodology used, and a significant presentation of their results and inquiry.

How to Choose a Topic for Your MBA Project

Even though the Project is often not started until the end of the final year, the common belief is that learners should start thinking about the project as soon as feasible. I agree with this, as well as my proposal to start thinking about project selection after the first semester, for the following reasons:

  • The Amity Mba Project report delves into one or more theories from modules completed during the programme, so keep an eye out for pertinent theories while you analyse the modules; it may be difficult to recollect which aspects of modules were intriguing if they were studied over a year ago.
  • The topic on which you will work on your project may be researched in a pair of electives from the next term. Even though it is feasible to change electives as the class proceeds, if you do not discover your project idea until late in the next year, you may have a limited opportunity to move to the optional (s) you require.
  • Finding a project subject might be straightforward for some, but it can also be difficult – in which case, taking a year to explore various possibilities can save you from having to choose one midway through the fourth semester.
  • If you want to take on a company-based project, it may take some time to find the right sponsors and get clearance for the project, especially if you want to utilise a firm other than your current employment.

When selecting an Amity MBA Project report, it is critical to look for the following characteristics:

  • Educational appropriateness — Must choose a topic or thought that is adequately related to academic principles and provides opportunity for extra investigation and analysis?
  • Interest – Because you’ll be working on the project for 6 to 12 months, it should ideally be based on something you’re interested in so you can stay motivated until the end.
  • Existing knowledge and experience — for individuals who have prior understanding of the topic, it will reduce the time required for background reading and studying, allowing more time to be spent on research and literature review.
  • Access to organisations and persons – Because many projects entail primary research, gaining access to individuals or businesses from whom to collect this data will increase the likelihood of obtaining appropriate, relevant data from which to draw conclusions.

Creating a Project Proposal

As soon as you’ve determined the focus area of your project, you may begin writing the project proposal. This is an ungraded document that is used by the project supervisor or guide to review the proposal, ensure it is appropriate for your MBA programme, and then assign it to the appropriate academic management or supervisor.

The information required for this record means that you will need to consider methods and relevant literature before tackling the Amity MBA Project report. If you have a specific, defined project concept, gathering information should be quite straightforward. However, if there is still some question about the project’s topic, I believe it is also acceptable to note a few initial suggestions in the recommendation, then study these further with your assigned supervisor. The most significant aspect is that the proposal accurately reflects the appropriate field. To ensure that a manager is assigned who, where possible, has a level of understanding or interest in the speciality.

The timing programme is a new change to the project entrance method; there are presently four specific proposal submission days throughout the year. This not only gives some freedom in how students programme their electives, but it also implies that if a proposition needs to be deleted because it isn’t fit or feasible, it isn’t necessary to wait until the next cohort’s submission deadline to submit a new idea.

How to Obtain the Amity MBA Project Report

We work on MBA and other course projects for a variety of universities. We provide projects for Ignou, Amity University, and Sikkim Manipal University. To obtain the project, please contact on