In the digital age, speed, convenience, and accuracy are critical factors for individual clients and businesses. ID verification has helped companies in the verification of their consumers but it is not enough for fraud prevention. It is hard for businesses to perform official verification procedures as well as maintain a pleasant customer experience. If a company is still using old ID authentication methods, it will disrupt its daily business operations by consuming more time during the client onboarding process. Online OCR can facilitate businesses by automating the data extraction procedure. It is time-saving as well as resource-effective. Some experts also consider it a perfect alternative to manual data entry procedures. 

Online OCR – Explain the Business OCR Technology

OCR software stands for Optical Character Recognition. In simpler terms, it means that the online OCR can extract information from images of a document. Usually, an advanced digital OCR can even capture data from hand-crafted notes. If it  integrates with artificial intelligence and complex computational algorithms, it will be able to enhance its own experience with each new data entry. In the end, it will be able to enhance its recognition power with each new experience. 

The Integration of Online OCR and ID Verification Software: Is it Enough?

The combination of OCR software with client ID authentication service saves time as well as the resources of the organization. The use of the KYC screening procedure powered by AI technology has facilitated businesses and individual consumers a lot. The procedure is frictionless and time-saving for the end-users. But it does not mean that other checks and digital solutions cannot be used because one verification process is not comprehensive for countering various types of digital fraud. The above combination of software only allows correct data from clients to enter into the company’s database. 

Online OCR and ID Verification service: the Advanced Digital Solution for the Modern Era

The Stand-alone ID verification service took a few seconds to show its results to the end user but experts wanted to improve the software even more. They combined online OCR with client identity verification service to reduce the turnaround time. Eventually, it became a popular solution for customers all over the world. The combined technology was available for both onsite and offsite use. It means that customers can use it and send information to the organization. In another scenario, clients can request verification results from their company. In both cases, the combined solution works very well. This is also done with the help of Document verification.

The Working Mechanism Behind the Combined Technological Solution of (Online OCR + ID Authentication)

  • The first step is common in that the system requires official records for identity verification
  • The online OCR software identifies characters on the documents and then extracts the desired data from images
  • The OCR software categorizes the data and fills them correctly in its array. In the old method, a data entry employee had to do it all manually. It was extremely time-consuming yet full of errors
  • The software has the capability to auto-fill data for the users but it also shows the results to clients for thorough validation. In case, there are some issues with data filling, the end-user can correct the information.
  • The system only allows authentic data from clients to enter into the company’s database in order to save its resources (from the hectic rectifying procedure)

The quality of outcome has made the combination popular and trusted all across the globe. There are some organizations that offer the OCR-based service without charges.

  • The automated technology reduces the expenses of the organization by eliminating human effort and errors in the outcome. In this way, it enhances a positive customer experience
  • The use of online OCR removes the need of hiring a candidate for the job. Thus, the technology reduces the need for human resources to complete the tasks
  • The implementation of online OCR with ID verification service promotes smooth workflow because of the automation of repetitive tasks. Hence, the company benefits through an increase in revenue
  • The manual data entry procedure took a lot of time yet the outcome had so many issues which negatively impacted the productivity of the organizations. The above technology solved this issue effectively

Concluding Remarks

Finally, the Online OCR software can integrate with the ID verification technology to enhance the quality and efficiency of the outcome for the end-users. The latest software even has foreign language support which makes it suitable for extracting data from records having multiple diverse languages (especially Italian, English, Spanish and French). Online OCR is also linked with a back office that stores the proof of authentication for the consumers. In short, online OCR has become the definition of reliability, efficiency, and accuracy for users.