Instagram is one of the most popular social platforms all over the world. It serves as an great ad platform for brands to show their products to a big audience and boost sales. Statistics show that 80% of Instagram users buys products after seeing them on the network. In this article, we will discuss the basics of Instagram marketing, why it is necessary, as well as effective strategies such as creating stunning visual content. You’ll want to make sure to have video maker templates that are easy to customise, right? 

Why Do You Need Instagram Marketing?

You may have heard a lot of positive feedback about why Instagram is crucial for brand marketing. But how can you be certain that it will be helpful to yours?

Instagram is one of the most important platforms today when it comes to social media marketing. Any brand that fails to take advantage of it is wasting money. It is crucial for any type of marketing campaign, whether you’re doing it for an organisation, a small business, or your own brand. A good website builder will even add an Instagram feed into strategic landing pages. 

It’s All About Telling Great Stories

Who doesn’t like a great story? People are naturally drawn to content creators who have a natural talent for telling engaging stories. Giving a narrative is also a fantastic way to evoke your audience’s emotional response and make a call to action. 

One of the most effective tactics to present who you are to your audience is by sharing visual content. This will also develop your relationship with potential customers and future collaborators. Online marketing has started to take a customer-centric approach rather than a product-centric one. Keeping this in mind, it’s important to avoid marketing strategies that directly promote the product. Instead, focus on ‘feelings’. Use the power of Instagram to stir an emotional response to your brand. This will make a positive impact on the overall success of your campaign, from brand visibility to increased sales and repeat customers. In addition, you’ll want to make sure your videos are consistent and professional-looking by using a high-quality video maker to tell your stories.


The Importance of Visual Content to Your Campaign’s Success

Social media statistics show visual stories generate 650% higher interaction compared to text-only posts, making them the most engaging content on social media. Using Instagram stories retains the interest of your followers and keeps them coming back for more. Understand what’s appealing to your target audience to develop your brand. Use a professional-grade video maker to make your video posts visually captivating. Other marketing strategies such as articles, email newsletters, and blog posts can benefit from your Instagram posts. 

Reach a Larger Audience

With more than 700 million monthly users worldwide, Instagram can provide a vast potential audience for any type of business. One of the most effective ways to get yourself seen by the right people is by using hashtags. Make sure you are using hashtags that your target audience is searching for. You can also create targeted hashtags if you have the time and budget to invest. 

The Perfect Platform to Engage with Your Community

Instagram holds the highest engagement rate of any current social media platform, outperforming Facebook and Twitter. It also has a more considerable brand interaction rate compared to other platforms. This indicates that Instagram users are more receptive to marketed content. An effective way to improve interaction is to reply to your followers’ comments and engage in real-time conversations about your brand.

Engaging with your followers is much more than posting photographs and videos. It’s crucial to interact with them as well. In addition, while it’s tempting to use bots to comment and like on other people’s posts to increase your likes and followers, there are several reasons why you should prevent yourself from automating your engagement. Focus on developing organic engagement, as this generates genuine relationships and committed customers. 

Why Customer Information and Feedback are Essential 

Keep tabs on all the social media platforms you use regarding what people say about your brand. Understanding how customers view your brand is essential to your marketing success. Instagram is a treasure trove of helpful information regarding your clients, so take advantage of it. 

Keeping Tabs on Your Competitors

Keeping tabs on competitors in your industry is an effective strategy to discover how they interact with their community. What type of content do they publish? How do they interact with their followers? How often do they do it? What type of contests are there? Focusing on these questions will help you learn more about your industry’s best practices and develop your creative strategy further.

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Let’s take a look at different types of Instagram content. Getting familiar with all these will help you utilise Instagram well.  


Instagram was originally developed as a photo-sharing app. This is where you start. You’ll want to make sure to post appealing visual content that will attract potential followers and customers to your brand. You can apply the built-in filters, but don’t go too wild. Each filter has its personality and may completely transform your photo’s mood. 


You can upload video clips on Instagram, as long as they’re not longer than a minute. A video maker app can be used to modify and edit your clips before uploading. You can find a lot of free video maker editing software available online. Instagram videos are set to play with no sound by default. You’ll want to make sure your videos can be understood easily for a couple of seconds even without sound. But always remind your viewers to turn on the sound on the captions. 


Boomerang is a built-in Instagram app allowing you to create hypnotic, looping videos similar to animated GIFs. According to Instagram, these back-and-forth mini clips fit in between images and videos. And that’s exactly what made it appealing. Boomerang clips are simpler to create than proper videos and more appealing than a still image. 


If your videos are a little too long for a standard video post, then Instagram’s Hyperlapse is for you. Hyperlapse allows you to condense long videos into shorter, shareable clips. Whereas ordinary time-lapses are made by stitching together still photos, the app uses an image stabilisation algorithm that eliminates jitter and steadies the video’s appearance. 

Instagram Stories

The famous Instagram Stories allows you to post more frequently without filling up your main feed. Images and videos in stories are usually less polished and more candid. Your Instagram Story expires after 24 hours. As mentioned, you can use a video maker to keep the quality and mood of your videos consistent.


Without any doubt, Instagram is a reckoned force in the world of social media. There’s an almost unlimited amount of untapped opportunity to attract audiences, create interaction, and establish strong relationships. Creating and maintaining a platform representing your brand’s visual identity may seem challenging, but Instagram makes it fun and easy.